Body Fitness
Track the ancillary benefits. Keep a job-performance journal on the days you exercise and the days you don’t exercise. Each day, gauge the difficulty of your workload on a scale of 1 (least favorable) to 7 (most favorable), and rate these three categories using the same scale: Your ability to work without stopping to take unscheduled breaks Your ability to stick to your routine or plan (your “to do” list) for the day Your overall job performance
Go hard, not long. If you like longer workouts, by all means, keep going. But don’t underestimate the power of a 30-minute sweat session. YMCA researchers found that men were twice as likely to stick to an exercise program when they performed shorter workouts — less than 30 minutes — than when they did longer sessions. “They also gained more muscle and lost more fat, because they worked at a higher intensity, rather than just going through the motions of a long workout
Top & Simple Exercises For Body Fitness by MallikComedy
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